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Please find the conference schedule below.


NYUAD Conference Center A6 010


Tuesday April 23, 2024


09:00am - 09:15am Registration


9:15am - 10:00am

Opening Remarks

  • Arlie Petters, Provost, NYU Abu Dhabi

  • H.E. Eric Gaudiosi, US Deputy Chief of Mission in the UAE

  • H.E. Lorenzo Fanara, Ambassador of Italy in the UAE

  • H.E. Ibrahim Al Qasim, Deputy Director General, UAE Space Agency


10:00am - 10:30am


Simonetta Di Pippo – Setting the Scene

Andrea V. Macciò – The Role of NYUAD    


10:30am - 10:50am


Federico Di Vruno, Spectrum Manager, SKAO

A Changing Space Environment, New Challenges in our Skies


10:50am - 11:00am Coffee break


11:00am - 12:10pm

Panel: Dark and Quiet Sky and Astronomy

A session to discuss the impacts of large satellite constellations on astronomy and the dark and quiet sky, not only on Earth but also in space.

  • Moderator: Patrizia Caraveo, Research Director, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica

  • Sara Lucatello, European Astronomical Society, Geneva, Switzerland

  • Federico Di Vruno, Spectrum Manager, SKAO

  • Antonio Manousakis, Assistant Professor, University of Sharjah


12:10pm - 01:30pm Lunch Break at the Torch Club


01:30pm - 02:00pm

Side Conference Talks

  • Goffredo Puccetti, Associate Professor of Practice of Visual Arts, NYUAD Branding Science: How the topic of this conference inspired him to create its logo (15’)

  • Patrizia Caraveo, Research Director, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica Artificial Lights can harm the entire ecosystem: saving the stars will help to save the planet: winner of the IAA 2023 Basic science book award – Saving the starry night


02:00pm - 02:15pm


Mashhoor AlWardat, Professor, University of Sharjah

Sharjah Academy of Astronomy and Space Science’ (SAASST) efforts in developing Astronomy and Astronomical sites in the UAE


02:15pm - 03:15pm

Mega-Constellations in the new decade

A session to discuss future plans of constellations and share the views of the constellations in currency deployment right now. What does the future await?

  • Moderator: Federico Di Vruno, Spectrum Manager, SKAO

  • Tim Stevenson, Director of Assurance, SKA Observatory

  • Paolo Giommi, Investigator, CASS, NYUAD


03:15pm - 03:30pm


Patricia Cooper, President & Founder Constellation Advisory, LLC

Reflections on Satellite - Astronomy Collaboration


03:30pm - 03:45pm


Connie Walker, Head, Office of Observatory Site Protection, NOIRLab; & Co-Director, IAU CPS

Sharing the Dark and Quiet Skies


03:45pm - 04:30pm

Sustainability and Need of international regulations

  • Moderator: Sara Lucatello, European Astronomical Society, Geneva, Switzerland

  • Patrizia Caraveo, Research Director, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica

  • Connie Walker, Head, Office of Observatory Site Protection, NOIRLab; & Co-Director, IAU CPS

  • Simonetta Di Pippo, Visiting Professor of Practice of Physics, NYUAD


04:30pm - 05:00pm

Special session: A deep dive into UAE activities in space

Noora Alsaeed, Senior Space Science Researcher, UAE Space Agency


Closing remarks with Adnan Al Rais, Deputy Director General, Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre [TBC]



Wednesday April 24, 2024


09:00am - 09:45am

Space Junk and Debris

  • Moderator: Simonetta Di Pippo, Visiting Professor of Practice of Physics, NYUAD

  • Leonardo Barilaro, Senior Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering at MCAST - Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology

  • Donato Giorgi, Space Counsellor – CNES Representative for Middle East


09:45pm - 10:30am

Can AI Help?

Paolo Giommi, Investigator, Center for Astrophysics and Space Science, NYUAD & Associated to INAF-Brera Observatory, Milan

Interventions from the audience on AI and citizen science


10:30am - 11:00am Coffee break


11:00am - 11:45am

Panel: Sustainability and Need of international regulations

  • Moderator: Sara Lucatello, European Astronomical Society, Geneva, Switzerland Patrizia Caraveo, Research Director, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica

  • Connie Walker, Head, Office of Observatory Site Protection, NOIRLab; & Co-Director, IAU CPS

  • Simonetta Di Pippo, Visiting Professor of Practice of Physics, NYUAD


11:45am - 12:15pm

Open floor for discussions and final recommendations


12:15pm - 12:40pm

Closing remarks with Simonetta Di Pippo


12:40pm - 02:00pm Lunch at the Torch Club

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